Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's full moon

Yesterday it was full moon. The night was so bright and the sky was full of beautiful glowing stars. It's the moon that I miss; once I was there lying down on floor at the balcony watching the moon and the uncountable stars. Once it was full moon and we woke up at three to see the most beautiful star glow in the utmost sky. How can it be put into words? It can't be seen in the other country once I lived. It's still here where I was born and grew up.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Volunteer Spirit

A large number of elementary schools in Cambodia is built by foreigns' donation. After the construction, a brand-new school is standing in the school ground handsomely; however, some organizations or sponsors only donate the budget for school building unlike a small number of organizations or sponsors who are willing to help and look after their donations even afterward. The latter ones always make time and money to continue to visit the archievements they have built. Usually they donate in other forms as well such as scholarships for poor children and encouragement monthly fee for teachers who serve additional courses upon the purpose of the donators. Most school teachers and principals are very cooperative at first, but, after a long term help, they start to have different ideas. They always ask and take, and forget how to thank and give. They often complain about trivial matters and always ask for more. They never try to consider the donators' feelings. be continue..........

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Do you like your private life? I definitely do if you ask me. I am very fond of my own space and time. I value every time, place and the person I want to spend with. Being busy with both work and students almost 24/7, I do love my private holiday whenever it comes to the chance. Last time, it was general election for Cambodia, so we had a three day holiday inclusive of Sat, Sun and Monday. I was so excited after having working hard through all the last few months without real holiday. I did not plan to do much, just spending time with my beloved family relaxably without taking any other matters into consideration. I will be glad to please anyone if I choose to spend my time with them, but when it comes to this matter and even by force by someone else, then I will be very disappointed and ruin the pleasure and relaxation for the whole holiday. Thus, for the last holiday, I desperately wanted it for my own family until I was asked to take someone to stay with me during the holiday. I just couldn't take it. I am down to earth and I say what I feel. I said I was sorry because I thought it would be tiresome for her to stay with us during the next holiday. Let me explain why. First, I might oversleep until lunch, and then I might just want to eat anthing 'coz I wouldn't care what I wanted to eat and so forth. And for another reason was it was not a must that she must stay with us. Her family including the girl had come over for a few nights already, so why should she come again only after a few days later? I know the person asked me for the favor must have been very disappointed with me and my answer. I was so sorry, but I didn't have another choice.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The One

To find mister or miss right is arduous like finding the right way to paradise after death. Spouse relationship can't be establish unless there is a strong committment between the two parties. And when once the relationship is legally and officially bonded, you just have to walk through it with your life. When you find someone is good enough for you, you might consider that the person is your mister or miss right and you start to take action with that person. You might want to date them before getting married to get to know more about that person, and then you start to understand that he/she is the one. You decide to go on and finially you two get married to start your own family. Suddenly you realize that the person you are married to is strongly connected to their family. If the family has no personel issues, that is your luck, but if the family is full of problems and issues to deal with, then you will become the most abysmal person in world you're in. What to deal with such problems that happen repeatedly. From a point of view, when it involves with your private life and you have to go with it, then you just have to live with it until the day your partner decide to give in or until the day you die. Which one is more important to you? The family you were born to? Or, the family you establish with your both hands?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Misunderstanding&Bad instruction

So, I've sent my bank card to a good friend of mine in Yokohama, hoping that she would check the balance for me. She was busy helping her parents travel around Nagoya, and, after when she came back from Nagoya, she got to check the bank for me, but unfortunately she did not recognize which bank my card belonged to. The card was written with Fuji Bank, but she could not see any Fuji Bank eventhough she tried so hard to find one. When she was in Nagoya, she could not find one also and that made her think that the bank was only located in Tokyo. I was wondering about that when I was so told; however, I remained silent to wait and see. And even after she came back, yet she had the same answer, I started to wonder. She said maybe there was no Fuji Bank any longer, then I'd realized she didn't know that Fuji Bank has now become Mizuho. I busted into laughing restlessly. lolz. It was too funy for me 'coz I thought she knew it had changed long time ago. She herself dumped her head also. How ignorant! Anyway, that was the first mistake. The second one happened when I prolonged my instruction about what to do with my card and the money. She sent it back with her father. Ah...I wanted her to keep it there so when the money was transmitted she could confirm it for me. Anyways, when I told her about it, she blamed on me a lot. She said I was careless, and should have told her before that. I said I thought by telling her nothing what to do with the card, she would ignore it and leave it there. Anyways, I accepted it and promised not to do the same mistakes. Instruction should be more prompt and accurate.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Thai troops invade Cambodia

So, the greedy Thai won't give up their ambition in stealing Preah Vihear even if the temple is regconized by world.

Thai troops accused of entering Cambodia in dispute over temple
By Andrew Buncombe, Asia Correspondent
Wednesday, 16 July 2008

"The controversy surrounding an 11th-century temple on the Cambodian border with Thailand has taken a new twist after the authorities in Phnom Penh alleged that up to 170 armed troops and civilians from Thailand had illegally entered its territory.

Cambodia's Information Minister, Khieu Kanharith, made the allegation yesterday, a week after the country celebrated the temple's designation by the United Nations as a World Heritage Site. He said the troops and civilians had crossed the border close to the Preah Vihear temple and refused to pull back. The Thai authorities denied they had crossed into Cambodian territory and claimed that troops had gathered close to the border simply to protect the nation's "sovereign territory". They said at least one soldier was injured after accidentally triggering one of the landmines that litter the border between the two countries.

The incident is the latest flash-point in a long-running controversy between the two countries over the Hindu temple, which was built by the Khmer empire. As far back as 1962, an international court ruled that the temple belonged to Cambodia but the two countries havequarrelled over the land surrounding the temple.

In 2001 Cambodia began seeking special status for the temple in the hope that such a designation would boost the number of tourists visiting the site. Thailand had long opposed the designation because it feared the ruling would also say that thedisputed territory along the border belonged to Cambodia.

But in May, Thailand's Prime Minister, Samak Sundaravej, announced that he was supporting the Cambodian application. His decision – taken without parliamentary approval – was seized on by his political opponents who have sought to drum up a nationalist outcry over his decision. Last month, Mr Samak survived a confidence vote brought by his opponents, who have accused him of acting as a proxy for the former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

Yesterday, Major-General Kanok Netakawesana, a Thai army field commander in the region, told reporters that his troops were on Thai soil close to the disputed area but they had not crossed into Cambodia. "We are not violating the territory of Cambodia," he told the Associated Press. "We have every right to deploy troops here to protect our sovereignty."

The deployment of the Thai troops followed the arrest by Cambodia of three Thai citizens for allegedly crossing the border earlier in the day. A Cambodian government official said all three were later released.

While the Khmer empire constructed many temple complexes – the most famous being that located at Angkor Wat – the buildings at Preah Vihear are said to enjoy perhaps the most stunning location, high on a cliff top. The temple has long been favoured as a defensive outpost; in 1975 government troops based there held off Khmer Rouge fighters for more than a month after the rest of the country fell. In 1998, when the last sizeable group of Khmer Rouge fighters agreed to surrender to the Cambodian government, Preah Vihear was the location of negotiations."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Experience KFC in PP

I rarely used KFC in the past because I didn't like its salty taste and it was more expensive than Mcdonald's. Today we had a chance to eat out at KFC with my sister since she's loving their fried chickens, so we went. The chickens was so so, but I think the price was a little higher than that of BBWorld and Lucky Burgur. Well, for me once is more than enough. I won't have it for a long time until there is a temptation against my will again. For other thing I don't like about KFC in PP is its small parking lot. Monivong bld is even more stuck because of KFC's customers' cars parking on the side of the road.
BTW, because lots of fastfood such as KFC, BBWorld and so forth are spreading all over Phnom Penh, kids and teens these days tend to be overweight. I've seen many fat kids in my neighborhood. Fat kids here, I mean they are very fat just like those in the US. They become big and round which were hardly seen in the past. Thus people including myself must be more cautious to these problems which can easily happen to my own family and people.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Concert July 14th

Now without doubt we all know that Preah Vihear is registered as world heritage and is now known to the world that it belongs to Cambodia. The world congratulates Cambodia while Cambodia people themselves are celebrating a concert with firework opening for the happiest moment. It's been 50 years since Cambodia began to ask for justice from UN for our territory and heritage from Thailand till the day it is recognized by the world, the entire world. The firework was even greater than the last water festival's was. And the Olympic Stadium was full of people to come and celebrate the historically auspicious event. The concert presented famous singers such as Preap Sovath, Meng Keopichenda, etc.

Less Words

It's hard to attempt to do things you are not into it. It's like I have a purpose to continue my blog but don't have much to say with it. I don't know what to write more. Is it because life is not more interested as before? No. It's not true. Life is enjoyable and everything seems okay at the moment. Family is financially stable. However, I regconize my interests have changed a lot for the last recent years. I am not quite interested in politics any longer; Cambodia is on general election, yet I hardly notice any thing special. I don't know since when I have become so ignorant like this. I worry my view can't be wider or broader since I am not reading either papers or books no more. After all these years, I seem to have become so exhausted and just want to stay at home as a simple housewife the status I myself hardly accomplish.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Anger softened

So after sleeping over the matter for a night with a smile, I could actually smile. Naturally. I feel good to win myself and others this way with a very comfortable feeling. Anger can hardly harm me no more. No wrinkles on my forhead to be stained.Lolz. Smiling can actually help to cut down those unhappy wrinkles and put some more charm on your face. I'm kind of like it.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Who wins at last?

Stay as who you are
Keep smiling to your enemy
Win your anger
Benifit it

Saturday, May 24, 2008

American Idol Season 7

I am wondering if anyone would ever believe this, that I saw David Cook in my dream that he was gonna win the season since he was in the top 12. We all know that the other David is gifted and very noble, but it was not his real big time for now. When I was watching the final result, I had no doubt that David Cook would be nominated. David is such an original singer, and I love him since he sang the song Billy Jean of Michael Jackson. So professional and creative. But, I feel a little sorry for David Ac?? who had not been given any time for his last remark. David is so young, cute and noble. He's gonna be big, too. After all, my both favorite candidates won! No complaint.

Here's a piece of his work at the contest:

Thursday, May 22, 2008

New Favorite Rhyme

"Apologize" by Tambaland
I truly love its rhyme with the violin performance. It's so classic.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Old posts

I've just got back from reading my old blogs and found something interesting in there. Eventhough it was a hard time, it seemed I had good time in writing those posts. So, I decided to resume my habits, reading and writing. Reading does bring more excitment.