To find mister or miss right is arduous like finding the right way to paradise after death. Spouse relationship can't be establish unless there is a strong committment between the two parties. And when once the relationship is legally and officially bonded, you just have to walk through it with your life. When you find someone is good enough for you, you might consider that the person is your mister or miss right and you start to take action with that person. You might want to date them before getting married to get to know more about that person, and then you start to understand that he/she is the one. You decide to go on and finially you two get married to start your own family. Suddenly you realize that the person you are married to is strongly connected to their family. If the family has no personel issues, that is your luck, but if the family is full of problems and issues to deal with, then you will become the most abysmal person in world you're in. What to deal with such problems that happen repeatedly. From a point of view, when it involves with your private life and you have to go with it, then you just have to live with it until the day your partner decide to give in or until the day you die. Which one is more important to you? The family you were born to? Or, the family you establish with your both hands?
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